Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back in the USA

So, I am back home, and still adjusting to living in the States. I miss all the kids. Alot. More than I thought I would. I miss the mamas. I miss this:

This was a favorite passtime of the kids in Clau Clau, me taking video of them being crazy and then they all gather around to watch it on my little camera screen. They all loved to be the one to press the "play" button.

This kid below in the blue shirt LOVES to take pictures with my camera! He did a good job too!
Here's a picture he took of me, which isn't particularly flattering, I don't think I'll every wear that sweatshirt again. So, this sounds super corny and sentimental, but when I look at this picture that this kid took of me, whose name I can't even pronounce, much less spell : ) I feel the love that he has for me. I don't even know why this kid loves me, but I know for sure that he does, and I don't know why this unflattering picture makes me feel so loved, maybe because when I handed him my camera that was the first picture he took, and kept taking pictures of me until I encouraged him to turn his attentions to the much more photogenic children and mamas.

All I know is this: those kids taught me so much about love, they also left me with alot of questions. Like why was I born in the States to two parents who love me and were able to protect me. Why have I been blessed with so much and these kids have so much to overcome. I've always felt like there is nothing I can't do, and these kids have no garuntees that they are even going to be able to make it to 4th grade, much less university. Those are questions, I'm sure, that have been asked before by people smarter than me, and I don't have any good answers. I know, though, that me feeling guilty won't solve anything, and help or "charity" given out of guilt rarely does anyone any good.

I'm not sure exactly what that will look like, but I have to believe that I've been given me these overwhelming opportunities, and blessings, and resources, so that I can make the lives of people who have been given nothing better. A lot of times people will say something to the effect that I am a special person to go and do things for other people, but you have to know that the rewards are so tangible and so ginormous, that there is no sacrifice involved for me, its not like I'm some Martyr or something (and HELLO I am enjoying all the first world comforts of America right at this very moment one of which being the iphone) This is definitely a passion, and I can't think of any other way that I'd rather be living. So, just know that I am nothing special, and I am blessed beyond what I could ever earn or deserve.
(I know this is a big relief, because you were totally thinking Michelle is Awesome and how can I devote more hours in my day to pondering her awesomeness ; )

If you are going to ponder anyone ponder Princess and her sister Bongi, who takes princesses bossing with grace and loveliness that I can only aspire to : ) Sorry this pic is so blurry, but I just love bongi's expression even though princess is hogging the shot, she's stealing the show : )

So, I have about a zillion photos and stories to tell, I hope that you will stay tuned because I am planning on keeping up with posting even after I've exhausted all my Africa adventures. I am definitely not ever going to stop having adventures, and I hope I will always be able to share them with you.

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome! And what you have done for those kids is nothing less than a miracle. You showed them love and cared for them. That is sooo awesome! Imagine if everyone took the time to give of themself like you have done! That would be incredible. You deserve a big pat on the back. And I am honored to call you my friend : )
